Saturday, December 07, 2013

2013 Art Summary

2013 has been pretty great. Looking back, it is incredible how much things changed within a year. Early in the year, I was still trying to bounce back from depression. Getting a job where you physically work in a studio helped greatly with that. Also, branching out from blogspot to twitter, tumblr and eventually amazing Facebok Page, (Thanks Andy!) allowed my personal doodles at home to have more of importance. The personal drawings I have done this year, I tried to keep them more clean and presentable.

I used a lot more colour as well. Though I still have much to study in term of tone and colour value, just having to work with colour helped me to develop ways of working in photoshop with greater time efficiency. Huge props to Muddy Colors blog and Serge's tutorials. After practicing few rendering pieces, I picked up on many techniques that I used throughout my work. However, as much fun as they were, I decided to abandon rendering. For what I wanted to do professionally, either in animation, design or storyboard, it made more sense to focus on putting down solid lines that define the shape.

I am slowly feeling less frustrated by drawing and having more fun. Now I am trying to move forward from drawing same type of female form and to getting more interesting silhouettes and creating characters that feel real(or at least real in their world)

There is so much to learn and practice, it's frightening and also very exciting.

Thank you always for all your support and love. You guys have made my 2013 a blast.

Last year's art summary:

Some notable chronological events and inspirations 
January - Joined Cup O Doodle. Still inspires me to draw things I wouldn't even imagined otherwise.
February - Looked at lots of Serge Birault and Otto Schmidts's work.
March - Created FB Page with gentle push from Andy Hickinbottom.
April - Did lots of caricatures this month. Also started to participate in few Trinquette Weeklies
May - Started to draw more from photographs to expand wardrobe library
June - Built and animated few Katie tests.
July - Started to reference more of Bill Presing's work.
August - Joined Frederator Allied Media on youtube
September - Unemployed. Had some time to record bunch of Toonboom tutorials.
October - Compiled a pitch package for the first time.
November - CTNx woo!
December - Just playing with whole lotta character development type of personal work.